Continuous Integration comes to AMO

It's time to hail another milestone for AMO in our epic push for improvements in 2010. This time I'm happy to announce our Hudson continuous integration server which has been humming along for a few months.

Hudson Integration Screenshot. Click to enlarge.

AMO is the first Mozilla Webdev site to use continuous integration, and it's been a long time coming. With the way it's currently configured we've got code coverage trending, unit test trending, code quality trending, as well as detailed reports for all the above for every single check in.

If anything fails or oversteps a threshold our IRC bot complains and we can get it fixed up quickly. It's a boon to productivity to know that all the code being checked in is being tested automatically, plus it gives everyone a stable state to compare to.

Thanks to everyone that helped get Hudson going, from the people that write it, to the IT team that keeps it alive, to the webdev team that helped work out the kinks.

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