How defends against XSS attacks
One of the things that gets a lot of news time these days is XSS. There are a lot of places that explain what it is and how to prevent it but most are oversimplified or don’t provide real world examples. I thought I’d explain a couple of the ways AMO attempts to prevent it.
I’m not trying to invite attackers by posting this. My goal is to provide a (hopefully) working example from a real world, high-traffic site. I think the people exploiting XSS have a fairly good idea what they are doing and, too often, the people attempting to secure their sites don’t. Since AMO is open source I’m not sharing anything that isn’t available already anyway (side note: please don’t depend on security by obscurity).
Firstly, this chunk of code sits in CakePHP’s bootstrap.php and runs very close to the start of every request:
if (array_key_exists('url',$_GET) &&
!preg_match('/\/api\//', $_GET['url']) &&
preg_match('/[^\w\d\/\.\-_!: ]/u',$_GET['url'])) {
header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
Since a lot of XSS attacks are launched from the URL we implemented this simple white list of characters we’ll allow. If anything outside of that white-list is in the URL we return an invalid request header and die. This isn’t a lot of protection but it does narrow the field of what our application expects and has to deal with (particularly with control characters, high level ASCII, etc.).
The second, and more important section of code is in our app_controller class. We wrote a custom sanitize() function that any string going into one of our views gets run through:
$sanitize_patterns = array(
'patterns' => array("/%/u", "/\(/u", "/\)/u", "//u", "/-/u"),
'replacements' => array("&#37;", "&#40;", "&#41;", "&#43;", "&#45;")
$data = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$data = preg_replace($sanitize_patterns['patterns'], $sanitize_patterns['replacements'], $data);
This code has several important parts and I’ll start with the functions. The first function that modifies the actual data is iconv(). We ask it to convert our data from UTF-8 to UTF-8 which seems unnecessary but the “//IGNORE” part is important - that means it will throw out any characters it can’t represent appropriately. This was added to prevent a proof of concept attack that exploited a C0 ASCII control code character to break the output (discovered on the forums).
The next function, htmlspecialchars(), is a pretty well known function and converts special characters to their ASCII equivalents. The second parameter specifically asks it to encode single quotes.
Lastly we use the array of patterns and replacements declared at the beginning to encode a few final symbols, like parenthesis and the percentage sign, into HTML entities.
This system has worked fairly well for a few years now and as issues are discovered we make changes to it. If you’re looking for the latest code please be sure to check our repository. And, as always, if you find any kind of exploit on AMO please let me know! :)