10000 commits and going strong

Mozilla’s SVN repository was started on September 2nd, 2006 and just hit 10000 commits. That’s an average of over 19 commits a day for 520 days straight!

After my positive experience with python I was gearing up for a script to do some repository analysis when I ran across MPY SVN Stats. After a fast download and a one line command I had charts and tables full of info. So, here’s some late night stat work for everyone:

We had a total of 103 people that committed code directly to SVN, 69 of which had 10 or more commits. The top 25 committers by total numbers of commits are:

No    Author                                Commits    Percentage
1  	wclouser#mozilla.com                    1558       15.58%
2 	fligtar#gmail.com                       739        7.39%
3 	steven#silverorange.com                 707        7.07%
4 	reed#reedloden.com                      639        6.39%
5 	pascal.chevrel#mozilla-europe.org       567        5.67%
6 	fwenzel#mozilla.com                     551        5.51%
7 	nelson#wordmaster.org                   524        5.24%
8 	mkaply#us.ibm.com                       481        4.81%
9 	paul#glaxstar.com                       392        3.92%
10 	mgalli#mgalli.com                       364        3.64%
11 	morgamic#mozilla.com                    311        3.11%
12 	dougt#meer.net                          307        3.07%
13 	michael.koch#enough.de                  179        1.79%
14 	ahajdukewycz#mozilla.com                173        1.73%
15 	shaver#mozilla.com                      162        1.62%
16 	reed#mozilla.com                        158        1.58%
17 	abuchanan#mozilla.com                   112        1.12%
18 	dougt#mozilla.com                       105        1.05%
19 	eshepherd#mozilla.com                   101        1.01%
20 	erik#raincitystudios.com                97         0.97%
21 	mfinkle#mozilla.com                     89         0.89%
22 	robert#accettura.com                    89         0.89%
23 	smalolepszy#aviary.pl                   82         0.82%
24 	oremj#mozilla.com                       76         0.76%
25 	tim.babych#gmail.com                    58         0.58%

My numbers here (wclouser#mozilla.com) are inflated because I did a lot of the branching/tagging on our projects. If you throw my number out as an anomaly you’ll see that no single person has committed more than 7.5% of the code in SVN. That’s a great community hard at work!

Thanks for all your help!

This is a static site. If you have any comments please tag me or send an email.