Portland Coder Party Tonight

Sorry for the short notice but there is a December Coders Bash tonight that Mozilla is helping sponsor. It starts at 7pm at CubeSpace. Drop by if you get a chance - it's informal and sounds like a bunch of fun. Stealing from the linked page:

Some of the events we are considering (subject to change due to group consensus)...

  • I remember when, the BS game (any story of geekery, starting with "I remember when" or "I was there when" allowed, and then you call BS or not.
  • Name That Language. Snippets from obscure and entertaining languages posted. Can you recognize an algorithm in whitespace if it's surrounded by poetry?
  • 5 Minute Code Sprints: 5 minutes to solve a problem. Prove your language best, or shortest, or most obscure. Whatever you like.
  • "I can name that programming language in 3 lines of code": Name that language Duels. Challenge your opponent that you can name a Programing language by seeing less lines of code than them.
  • Best WTF snippet: Do your worst and be the best
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